Friday, February 14, 2025
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The School has well equipped laboratories with a wide range of computing facilities including smart class rooms, video conferencing facility and virtual class. The postgraduate programmes of the School focus on strengthening the students knowledge in almost all areas of Computer Science and on exposing them to the issues involved in the development of computer systems. Curriculum revision is done regularly to keep the programmes up to date.

Blended Learning with smart class room, e-learning ,e-seminars, virtual computing and simulation tools.

The students have access to the common facilities provided by the University like High Performance Computing, University Library, Health Center, Canteens, Hostels etc.

Computing Facilities

The School plans and ensures a conducive physical ambience for the faculty, researchers and students in terms of adequate research laboratories, computing facilities and allied services. The School has an efficient policy for the creation and enhancement of infrastructure in order to promote a good teaching-learning environment. Well equipped labs, Research workstations, broadband internet facility through Campus Area Network, Wi-fi enabled classrooms, latest software, Smart class room for conducting lectures, Video conferencing facilities for real time interaction with experts/ scientists from national/international organizations, School level digital repository of workshops, seminars, PhD open defences and other e-learning contents for use as a research resource and a cloud computing environment running Vmware software are some of the major facilities available in the School.

Under the DST-PURSE programme, School of Computer Sciences has setup a specialized High Performance Computing (HPC) environment running on one Master Node server (Dell PowerEdge R 740) , two compute node servers (Dell PowerEdge R 640) and one GPU node server (Dell PowerEdge R 740). Software enabling the parallel computing environment is Intel Parallel Studio XE. Mellanox SX6012 network switch acts as the backbone to interconnect all the servers and clients in the HPC environment. All the equipments are housed in a rack with a cooling unit. Users can access the environment through client computers. The post graduate and research students from science departments whose work requires highly intensive computations utilize this environment.

The School is an active partner in conducting and participating e-seminars, e-workshops, e-conferences etc. using the A-View e-learning environment. The School is also planning to be part of the National Knowledge Network connectivity. The School promotes the use of Open Source tools and software. The School is co-ordinating the Spoken Tutorial Project of IIT Bombay, implemented in the University.

The School has an efficient policy for the creation and enhancement of infrastructure in order to promote a good teaching-learning environment. Some of the major facilities include

  • Smart class room for conducting lectures
  • Well equipped laboratories with broad band internet connectivity through Campus Area Network.
  • Wi-fi enabled classrooms, labs, seminar and conference halls
  • Video conferencing facilities for real time interaction with experts/ scientists from national/international organizations
  • School level digital repository of workshops, seminars, PhD open defences and other e-learning contents for use as a research resource
  • A cloud computing environment running Vmware software
  • The School is an active partner in conducting and participating e-seminars, e-workshops, e-conferences etc. using the A-View (Amrita Virtual Interactive e-Learning World) tool. The School is also planning to be part of the National Knowledge Network connectivity.

Library Facilities

The Library of the school has a vision to inspire technological exploration, inculcate research aspiration and backup the academic community to attain the goals having been set. The library uses various tools for providing information to the user community. We stand out with good collection of academic as well as research-oriented books of high reference value. To cater to the increasing amount of information needs of the students, research scholars in particular, we have made available online journals from IEEE with high impact factor. Apart from the IEEE database, we have access to e-shodhsindhu a Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources provides e-resources to Universities, Colleges and Centrally Funded Technical Institutions in India, being executed by INFLIBNET Centre. We have dedicated machines with high speed internet connection for searching e-resources and OPAC. The resources of our library have been made available online by being a part of the union catalogue in collaboration with the university central library.

The library plays a vital role in imparting knowledge to the students as well as the research community by disseminating information with having maintained a good collection of most sought-after books and e-journals. The library holds more than 4000 research oriented reference materials including books, journals of major international publishers, theses, project reports and e-resources. For ready reference, the abstracts of all the theses have been kept as a bound volume. Books were well classified with Dewey Decimal Classification System.

The library uses Web based Online Public Access Catalogue powered by KOHA to retrieve information about the available resources. Towards getting to complete automation, all the books in the library have been barcoded. Internet facility is provided to the users with a speed of 1GBps for accessing e-contents. Mendeley, a reference manager and academic social network, is being used as content management system for e-learning.

Access to e resources

E books:- There are 195 e books in computer science and allied subjects, All these e books are downloaded and shared via Google drive to all members of School of computer sciences

E journals:- ( IEEE   Xplore, science direct , Springer link , Ebsco host academic search premier and Cambridge core together consists of more than 700 e journals in computer science and allied subjects. All members can access to these journal databases from the school library as required. The library assists in navigating these databases and offers printing services when urgently required.

IEEE data port: – ( The University library have subscribed to IEEE data port especially for the researchers and Post graduates of the School of Computer sciences. The IEEE Data Port enables everyone to store, share, access and manage valuable research datasets. The IEEE Data Port is a full-service data platform that helps researchers to gain valuable exposure for their research, meet funding agency requirements, link data to a published article, and secure more citations. The researchers and post graduates can collect datasets for their thesis and projects by accessing the data port. All members who have MGU domain email Id can create an account in ieee dataport. org and access to datasets.

OPAC (online public access catalogue)

Details of the books available in the school library can be searched through the OPAC of MGU library. This can be done by selecting SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES from the drop down menu of the OPAC.

Library blog

The school library started a blog for intimating the users about latest updates, new arrivals, news clippings and seminars and workshops conducted by the University library.

Email alerts: – This service helps the users to be up to date on all important events conducted in the University library.

Book suggestions:- All members can give suggestions for purchasing new books for the library . A book suggestion register is opened for this purpose. The users can note down the author, title and publisher of new books they required. These suggestions are considered at the time of book purchase, The decision of library committee which includes the faculty and librarian will be final.

Seminar Hall

The School has an air-conditioned Seminar hall, with a seating capacity of about 100 persons.The seminar hall is well equipped. The Seminar Hall is an ideal venue for conducting Workshops, Seminars and Departmental activities as it has a special ambience to suit every event. The Seminar hall also holds a smart board through which we have made education interactive and effective to make learning easy. The faculties also find it convenient to communicate the subject in a better way.

Conference Hall

The School has a conference hall with a seating capacity of 20 persons and is equipped with computer, projector and speaker facilities