Friday, March 28, 2025
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Sl.No. Publications Total
1 Journal Publications 59
2 Conference Proceedings 73
3 Chapters in Books 40
4 Edited Books 2
5 Books Authored with ISBN 2
6 E-Content 4

 Journal Publications and Chapters

2021 – 9

  1. John, Nimmol P. and V. R. Bindu, “An Optimal Sanitization Algorithm Based Secure Migration of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centres”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.12 No.3 May-June 2021, Engg. Journals Publications. (Scopus indexed).
  2. John, Nimmol P. and V. R. Bindu, “Multi-Objective Optimal Support Vector Regression Model for Host Overload Detection in Data Centres of Cloud Environment”, Journal of Green Engineering, Vol.11 Issue 4, 2021, Alpha Publishers. (Scopus indexed)
  3. Tom, L., & Bindu, V. R., Dynamic Task Scheduling Based on Burst Time Requirement for Cloud Environment, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications. 13(5), 75-87, September, 2021. (Scopus indexed) DOI:
  4. Smitha Anu Thomas, Bindu V. R. (2021), Enhancing the Quality of Software Engineering Practices in Small and Startup Firms Using Software Process Improvement (SPI) Initiatives, Design Engineering, 2021(04), 2295-2301. (Scopus Indexed)
  5. Shahna K U and Anuj Mohamed, “Novel Hyper Chaotic Color Image Encryption Based on Pixel and Bit Level Scrambling with Diffusion”, Signal Processing: Image Communication,  September 2021, Elsevier.     (SCI Impact Factor: 3.256)
  6. Thomas K.T., Pushpalatha K.P. (2021) A Comparative Study of the Performance of Gait Recognition Using Gait Energy Image and Shannon’s Entropy Image with CNN. In: Shukla S., Unal A., Varghese Kureethara J., Mishra D.K., Han D.S. (eds) Data Science and Security. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 290. Springer, Singapore. August 2021
  7. V. R. Jyothish, V. R. Bindu, M. S. Greeshma, An Integrated Approach for Building Footprint Extraction from Satellite Imagery, Computer Communication, Networking and IoT, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 197, Springer, 2021. (Scopus)
  8. Tom, L., & Bindu, V. R., Dynamic Time Slice Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 190, (pp. 359-367), Springer, Singapore, 2021. (Scopus)
  9. Mathew L., Bindu V. R., Efficient Classification Techniques in Sentiment Analysis Using Transformers, In: Khanna A., Gupta D., Bhattacharyya S., Hassanien A.E., Anand S., Jaiswal A. (eds) International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1387, Springer, Singapore, 2021. (Scopus)

2020 – 5

  1. Greeshma M S, Bindu V. R., “Super Resolution Quality Criterion (SRQC): A Super Resolution Image Quality Assessment Metric”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, (79), pp. 35125–35146  Springer, 2020.

SCIE  Indexed. Impact Factor: 2.313



  1. Nimmol P. John, V R Bindu, Prediction Mechanism – A Novel Approach for OverLoad Management in a Distributed Computing System, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 171,  Pages 2097-2104, Elsevier, 2020.

CiteScore : 2.5, SJR : 0.342



  1. Jyothish V. R., Bindu V. R., Greeshma M. S., An Efficient Image Segmentation Approach using Superpixels with Colorization, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 171 (2020), Pages 837–846, Elsevier.

CiteScore : 2.5, SJR : 0.342


4. Shahna K.U., Anuj Mohamed, A Novel Image Encryption Scheme Using Both Pixel Level and Bit Level Permutation with Chaotic Map, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 2020.

     Impact Factor: 5.472 (2019) ISSN: 1568-4946

5. Bineesh Jose, Pushpalatha, Intelligent Handwritten Character Recognition For Malayalam Scripts Using Deep Learning Approach Annual International Conference On Emerging Research Areas, IOP Science: Materials Science and Engineering (ISSN:1757-8981E-ISSN:1757-899X-SCOPUS), December 14-16 2020.

2019 – 10

  1. Linz Tom, V. R., Bindu, Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing: A Survey, Inventive Computation Technologies, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, pp. 342-350, Vol. 98, Springer, 2019, DOI:
  2. Greeshma M S, Bindu V. R.,  “Super Resolution Quality Criterion (SRQC): A Super Resolution Image Quality Assessment Metric”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), SCI  Indexed. (in press),  Impact Factor : 2.101
  3. Nimmol P. John, Bindu V R, “Energy Efficient Hybrid Firefly-Crow Optimization Algorithm for VM Consolidation”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series, Springer. (in press), SJR  – 0.17
  4. Greeshma M S, Bindu V. R.,  “Novel Quality Metric for Image Super Resolution Algorithms – Super Resolution Entropy Metric (SREM)”, Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series,  pp. 151–168, Vol. 1035, Springer,  2019. DOI :, SJR  – 0.17
  5. AparnaVijayan, Bindu V.R., “Feature Fusion Approach for Differently Exposed Images with Weighted Guided Filter”, Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, pp. 655-666, Vol 1035. Springer, 2019.  DOI:, SJR  – 0.17
  6. Sharanya Nagarajan, Anuj Mohamed, A Combined Fuzzy Soft Set – Machine Learning Approach for Effective Party Recommendation, Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019. (In Press).
  7. Shahna K.U., Anuj Mohamed, An Image Encryption Technique using Henon Map and Josephus Traversal, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing:  Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, (A. Abraham et al., eds.), Vol 939, pp. 375-385, Springer, 2019.   SJR  – 0.17
  8. Sharanya Nagarajan, Anuj Mohamed, An Effective Approach for Party Recommendation in Voting Advice Application, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing : Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, (A. Abraham et al., eds.), Vol 939, pp. 118-128, Springer, 2019.  SJR  – 0.17
  9. Simmi John, Anuj Mohamed, A Review on EDM Techniques with Special Focus on Student Performance Enhancement, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol  7, Issue 2, pp. 384-388, 2019.
  10. Vineetha Vijayan, Pushpalatha K P, “A Comparative Analysis of RootSIFT and SIFT Methods for Drowsy Features Extraction”, Procedia Computer Science journal (ISSN: 1877-0509), December 2019,  Scopus Indexed.

2018 – 15

  1. Juby Mathew, R.Vijayakumar, A comparative analysis of Parallel algorithms for Big Data analytics , International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences ( JIES), Vol:5 ,Issue:8, ISSN:2319-9598.
  2. Sunil sunny, R.Vijayakumar, Investigation in to the Clustering method with search structure for dynamic indices, International Journal of Advances In  Natural and Applied Sciences,  Vol:6,  Issue:19, ISSN:2252-8874.
  3. Dr.Vijayakumar R Sherin Mathew G, “ Handwritten Malayalam Compound Character Recognition system using Neural Networks, International Journal “PESQISA “, .( ISSN(print) -2455-0736), ISSN(Online) -2456-4052) ,Vol:3; Issue : 2 , May 2018).
  4. Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Rethishkumar, Two Player Security game Model for preventing co-resident Do s Threats in Cloud Environment, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Sciences and Management studies( ISSN: 2319-1953,Vol 7 , Issue:6) November 2018.
  5. Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Rethishkumar, A Survey of Security Violations and Prevention in Cloud Platform, International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering ( IJMECE), ISSN: 2321-2152, vol: 6, Issue : 6 November 2018.
  6. Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Shameem Kappan, A novel scheme for Multimedia content Protection by Biometric Encryption Watermarking Method, IOSR Journal of Engineering ( IOSRJEN) – ISSN: 2278-8719 , Vol:8, Issue:10) October 2018.
  7. Smitha Anu Thomas and V.R. Bindu, 2017, “An Overview of Software Process Improvement Initiatives Promoting to the Growth of an Organization”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 12: Issue 24, pp.7525-7528, ISSN 1816-949X.                DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2017.7525.7528                URL:
  8. Smitha Anu Thomas and Bindu V. R., “Assessing the Role of Software Process Improvement Efforts in Improving the Quality of Software”, Science and Society, Vol.15 No.1 Jan-June 2017, pp. 77-82, ISSN 0973-0206.
  9. Pushpalatha.K.P, Raju, G. Text Document Retrieval through Clustering using Meaningful Frequent Ordered Word Patterns, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 7 (2018) pp. 4822-4833.
  10. Anns Sebastian, Dr.Pushpalatha K P, Keyword Extraction Using Centroid Graph With A Study Of Textrank And Hits Algorithm, 2018 JETIR, July 2018, Volume 5, Issue 7, (ISSN-2349-5162).
  11. Shahana K.U., Anuj Mohamed, “An Image Encryption Technique using Henon Map and Josephus Traversal”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer. (Accepted).
  12. Sharanya Nagarajan, Anuj Mohamed, “An Effective Approach for Party Recommendation in Voting Advice Application”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer. (Accepted).
  13. Sneha Jacob, Anuj Mohamed,  “A Review on Various Nearest Neighbor Searching Algorithms Using Graphical Processing Units”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol  6, Issue 11, November 2018. E-ISSN: 2347-2693.
  14. Rekha R. Kamath , Bindu M.S.,  Anuj Mohamed , Rajendran R., A Survey on Conserving Energy in Wireless Body Area Networks for Health Monitoring, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 5, pp . 5001-5006, May 2018, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-6710
  15. Rekha R. Kamath , Bindu M.S.,  Anuj Mohamed , Rajendran R., ” In Search of Energy Efficient WBAN for Patient Monitoring”, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management, Vol. 4, Issue 6, September 2018, ISSN(Online): 2454-9150.

2017 – 4

  1. Devi Raveendran, Bindu V. R., “A Review on Cluster-Based Architecture in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,  pp: 14664-14669, Vol. 6, Issue 7, July 2017, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print):  2347-6710.
  2. Juby Mathew, Vijayakumar, R, Implementation of Parallel Firefly Algorithm, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science …, July 2017.
  3. Archana V Kumar , Jincy Elizabeth Vargese, Vijayakumar R, A review on Graphical Models of Complex Network, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology( IJIRSET) ; Vol.6, Issue :8, August 2017.
  4. Mehanas Shahul, Sanu Thomas Vijayakumar  R, A review on Event Detection Techniques in Wireless Senser Network, International Journal of Innovative  Implementation Research in Science, Engineering and Technology; Vol.6, Issue: 7, July 2017.

 2016 – 8

  1. Minu Elizabeth Tom, Vijayakumar R, Data Dissemination Protocols for Internet of Things, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology ; (INC_MEET ’16),2016, ISSN: 2348-9480.
  2. Vijayakumar, Sunil Sunny, Rajalakshmi(2016), ” An Effective Clustering method with search Structure for Large Multidimensional Dynamic indexes”, Journal of Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences”, 10(8) , 17-85, ISSN: 1995-0772.- Anna University Annexture 2 (2016).
  3. Vijayakumar, Sunil Sunny, Rajalakshmi, Distributed weighted Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method with Encoding Based Search Structure for Large Multi-dimensional Dynamic Indexes”, World Engineering and Applied Sciences Journal, Volume: 8 (2), PP 57-65,2017.
  4. Rethish Kumar S., Vijayakumar, Two-Player Security Game Approach Based Co-Resident Dos Attack Defence Mechanism for Cloud Computing, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology,2017 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 2 | Issue 4 | ISSN : 2456-3307.Volume 356.
  5. Josna Jose, R.Vijayakumar, A survey on Multi-Target Detection and Tracking in Wireless Senser Networks, Innovative Thoughts, International Research Journal, (2016) 2(6), ISSN: 2321-5453.
  6. Rethish Kumar, R. Vijayakumar, Cloud Interrelated Service Oriented Audio Accepted by – Connections., International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research, (2016),4(3), 119-126, ISSN 2348-1196.
  7. JaisonHezakiel,Vijayakumar R, Implementation of Server side service layer in internet of things, International Journal of Engineering Research –Online; July –August 2016 :Vol: 4, Issue :4 Pp119-126, ISSN 2321-7758(online)
  8. ClerinTom, Vijayakumar  R, Ensuring QoS by Accelerating the resource Provisioning tin the Virtulized Cloud Computing, International Journal of Engineering Research –Online , ; July –August 2016 :Vol: 4, Issue :4 ,Pp119-126, ISSN 2321-7758(online)


  1. Josna Jose Vadakkan &  Vijayakumar R., (2015), An Energy efficient Multitarget  Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Polygon Tracking Method,  International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(8), 3023 – 3028.
  2.  Kiran V. K. & Vijayakumar R., (2015),  Ontology Based Data Integration of NoSQL Datastores: Ontology & NoSQL Integration, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems .

2014 -3

  1. Juby Mathew &  Vijayakumar R., (2014), Scalable parallel clustering approach for large data using modified Firefly algorithm, 16(6), 14-24, ISSN: 2278-8727, DOI: 10.9790/0661-16611424.
  2.  Juby Mathew & Vijayakumar R., (2014), Scalable Parallel Clustering Approach for Large Data using Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications, 103(9), 24-29, DOI: 10.5120/18103-9195.
  3.  Juby Mathew & Vijayakumar R., (2014), A New Hybrid Scalable Parallel Clustering Approach For Large Data Using FCM And FA, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(5), 269-276, ISSN: 2320-9798.

2013 -2

  1. Benazir K.K & Vijayakumar R., (2013), Integrating Height And Fingerprint For Automated  Personal Authentication, International Journal of Computer Applications and Information Technology, ISSN:2278-7720.Praveen kumar B. T. &   Vijayakumar R., (2013), Comparison of adaptive median filter based on homogeneity level information and the new generation filters, International Organization of scientific Research – Journal of Computer Engineering, 14(3), 01-05, ISSN: 2278-8727.

 2012 -5

  1. Juby Mathew & Vijayakumar R., (2012), The Comparative study of Amdahl’s Law, Gustafson’s Trend and Hockney’s concept, Mahatma Gandhi University International Journal on Computing and communication , 1, 32-36, ISSN: 2319-8850.
  2. Juby Mathew & Vijayakumar R., (2012), Performance of Parallel Algorithms by Ambad’s Law, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology.
  3. Muhammed Iliyas & Vijayakumar R.,(2012), ELRM: A Generic Framework for Location Privacy in LBS.,Advances in Computer Science, Engineering and Applications, Springer, ISSN: 1867-5662.
  4. Pushpalatha K.P. & G. Raju, (2012), Effects of Distributional Features in Text Document Retrieval”, International  Journal on Computing and Communication,  43-47, ISSN:  2319-8850.
  5. Anuj Mohamed, K.N. Ramachandran Nair, (2012), HMM/ANN Hybrid Model for Continuous Malayalam Speech Recognition, Procedia Engineering, 30,  616-622, ISSN: 1877-7058.

 Conference Proceedings

2021 – 1

  1. Thomas K T, Pushpalatha K P, A Comparative Study of the Performance of Gait Recognition using Gait Energy Image and Shannon’s Entropy Image with CNN, International Conference on Data Science Computation and Security, Springer, Christ University Lavasia, April 2021 (In Press)

2020 – 14

  1. Jyothish V. R., Greeshma M S and Bindu V R, An Integrated Approach for Building Footprint Extraction from Satellite Imagery”, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing &Communication (ICICC 2020), September 2020, Department of CS &E, CS & T, SoE, DSU, Bengaluru, India.-Won the Best Paper Award
  2. P. John and Bindu V. R, “A Review on Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines for Effective Energy Management and Resource Utilization in Data Centres of Cloud Computing,” 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), Erode, India, 2020, pp. 614-619, IEEE Xplore.

           doi: 10.1109/ICCMC48092.2020.ICCMC-000114.

  1. Mathew and V. R. Bindu, “A Review of Natural Language Processing Techniques for Sentiment Analysis using Pre-trained Models,” 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), Erode, India, 2020, pp. 340-345, IEEE Xplore.

          doi: 10.1109/ICCMC48092.2020.ICCMC-00064.

  1. Manu John, Bindu V R, Anjana Jiji, Optimization of BIRCH Algorithm Using Manhattan Distance and Cosine Similarity, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Recent Trends in Engineering (IC@MACE)-2020, pp. 827-831.
  2. Shahna K U, Anuj Mohamed, A Novel Image Encryption Technique Using Multiple One Dimensional Chaotic Map, 16th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, 2020.
  3. Krishna Presannakumar, Anuj  Mohamed, An Enhanced Method for Review Mining Using N-gram Approaches, International Conference on Sentimental  Analysis and Deep Learning, Coimbatore, 2020.
  4. Sneha Jacob,   Anuj Mohamed,   AdvancedKSort: An Expeditious Sorting Technique for Data Analytics, International Conference on Statistical applications in Data Anlyatics and Data Science, Coimbatore, 2020.
  5. Simmi John, Anuj Mohamed, Performance Comparison of Supervised Classification Methods in Predicting Students’ Performance, International Conference on Statistical applications in Data Anlyatics and Data Science,  Coimbatore 2020.
  6. Ceena Mathews, Anuj Mohamed, Review of Automatic Segmentation of MRI Based Brain Tumour using U-Net Architecture, IEEE International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, Coimbatore,2020.
  7. Sreeja K.S., Anuj Mohamed, An Enhanced Method for Extracting  Frequent Patterns using Utility Mining,  National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technology, Kerala, 2020.
  8. Suma T Balan, Pushpalatha K P, A Survey on methods  and Techniques for Enhancing Storage Capacity of QR Codes, International Conference on Communication  and  Intelligent systems(ICCIS)-2020, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota,India  and  Global institute of Technology, Jaipur in association with Birla Institute  of Applied Sciences. Uttarakhand, India  and  Soft  Computing  Research  society, December 26,27 , 2020.
  9. Bineesh Jose, Pushpalatha, Intelligent Handwritten Character Recognition For Malayalam Scripts Using Deep Learning Approach, Annual International Conference On Emerging Research Areas, Proceedings – ISBN: 978-93-5426-381-1, December 2020.
  10. Bineesh Jose, Pushpalatha, Intelligent Handwritten Character Recognition For Malayalam Scripts Using Deep Learning Approach Annual International Conference On Emerging Research Areas, IOP Science: Materials Science and Engineering(ISSN:1757-8981E-ISSN:1757-899X-SCOPUS), December 2020.
  11. Mehanas Shahul, Pushpalatha K P, Machine Learning Based Analysis of Sepsis :Review, Proceedings of ic-ETITE’20. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering IEEE, February 2020, Chennai.

2019 – 7

  1. Nimmol P John, Bindu V. R, Prediction Mechanism – A Novel Approach for Over Load Management in a Distributed Computing System, Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19), IIIT-MK, Trivandrum, Elsevier, December 18-21, 2019.
  2. Jyothish V. R, Bindu V. R, Greeshma M. S, An Efficient Image Segmentation Approch Using Superpixels With Colorization, Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19), IIIT-MK, Trivandrum, Elsevier, December 18-21, 2019.
  3. Linz Tom, Bindu V R, “Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing : A Survey”, 4th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2019) organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, India  during August 29-30, 2019.
  4. Nimmol P. John, Bindu V R, “Energy Efficient Hybrid Firefly-Crow Optimization Algorithm for VM Consolidation”, 3rd International Conference On Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC – 2019) 7th & 8th June, 2019,  organized by DayanandSagar University.
  5. Greeshma M S, Bindu V. R.,  “When Nature Meets Tech : Augmented Reality For Rebuilding Tourism and Hospitality”, Proceedings of  the 31st  Kerala Science Congress organized by KSCSTE jointly with KSCSTE-Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical Garden & Research Institute and Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, 02-03 Feb 2019, pp.100, ISBN : 81-86366-97-0.
  6. VineethaVijayan, Pushpalatha K P., “FLANN Based Matching with SIFT Descriptors for Drowsy Features Extraction”, Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing, 2019, November 2019.
  7. VineethaVijayan, Pushpalatha K P., “A Comparative Analysis of RootSIFT and SIFT Methods for Drowsy Features Extraction”, Sixth International Symposium on Computer Vision and the Internet (VisionNet’19), Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19),

2018 – 9

  1. Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Dr.Juby Mathew, Machine Learning algorithms in Cancer Detection, IEEE International Journal Conference on Computational Intelligence and computing Research(978-1-5090-6621-6/17/2018) December 2018.
  2. Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Rethishkumar, An Improved Reflective Vector Machine with Spatial Fussed Defence Machine to Defend, International Conference on Paradigm shift towards cloud Banking ,Sankara College of Science and comer ce , Coimbatore. October 2018.
  3. Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Rethishkumar, Detection and avoidance of state Observation co-resident DOS attack on Cloud Platform, 8 th International conference on SMART Is, , Adaikalamatha Institute of Management & Research, Thanjavur October 2018.
  4. Greeshma M S, Bindu V. R., “Novel Quality Metric for Image Super Resolution Algorithms – Super Resolution Entropy Metric (SREM)”, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R 2018), organized by Solapur University, India in collaboration with Universidade de Evora, PORTUGAL and the University of South Dakota, USA, 21-22 December 2018.

           Won the Best Paper Award

           Accepted to be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS),  Springer.

        5. Linz Tom, Bindu V R, “Green Cloud Computing : A Pathway for Sustainable Development”,     International Conference on Gender, Environment and Sustainable Development organized by Assumption College, Changanassery, 1-2 November 2018.

       6. Leeja Mathew, Bindu V R, “Evaluation of Make In India based on Twitter Sentiment Analysis by Naïve Bayes Approach”, International conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS 2018-2019), LOYOLA  Research Institute of Mathematics and Computing Sciences (LIMCOS),  Loyola College, Chennai, India, November 16-17 2018.

       7. Nimmol P. John, Bindu V R, ” Load Balancing using Job Migration by Prediction Mechanism in a Distributed Computing System”, International conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS 2018-2019), LOYOLA Research Institute of Mathematics and Computing Sciences (LIMCOS), Loyola College, Chennai, India, November 16-17 2018.

       8. Manu John, Bindu V R, Arya B Nair, “Analysis of Different Clustering Algorithms”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Computational Intelligence in Social Science, Funded by ICSSR, MHRD and organized by Dept.of Computer Applications, MES Marampally, 2-3 March 2018.

        9. Greeshma M S, Bindu V. R., “Deep Self Trained Learning for Single Image Super Resolution”, 30th Kerala Science Congress organized by KSCSTE,CWRDM at Govt. Brennen College, Thalassery, 28-30 January 2018.


Smitha Anu Thomas, Bindu V R, “An Overview of Software Process Improvement Initiatives Promoting to the Growth of an Organization” International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES2017) 16-17 June 2017, Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center, Thailand.

2016 -9

  1. Minu Elizhabath Tom, Vijayakumar R, A study about Protocol stack and Dissemination Protocols for Internet of Things, Conference on Modern Engineering and Emerging  Technology ; (INC_MEET ’16),2016.
  2. Juby Mathew, Vijayakumar R, Application of Multilayer Principal Component analysis, International conference on Engg and Tech ( ICET -16 ), Dec 2016, Karpakam College of Engg, Coimbatore, ID No: 468, ISBN 978-1-5090-32-13-6.
  3. Anuj Pratap, C.S. Kanimozhiselvi, R. Vijayakumar, K.V. Pramod, Parallel Neural Fuzzy-Based Joint Classier Model for Grading Autistic Disorder, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Soft Computing Applications Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop. (SOFA 2014), Volume 1.
  4. Bindu V.R., Modelling Deformable Surfaces: A Promising Technique for Shape Modelling and Visualization in Medical Imaging, International Seminar on “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’, organized by Mahatma Gandhi University during 4-6 February 2017.
  5. Preetha S, Bindu V R, Impact of Innovative Expert Systems in a Nation’s Growth – A Global Perspective. International Seminar on “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’, organized by Mahatma Gandhi University during 4-6 February 2017.
  6. Anuj Mohamed, Automatic Speech Recognition: Technology Development., International Seminar on “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’, organized by Mahatma Gandhi University during 4-6 February 2017.
  7. Sneha Jacob, Anuj Mohamed, Automatic Speech Recognition: Technology Development. International Seminar on “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’, organized by Mahatma Gandhi University during 4-6 February 2017.
  8. Sneha Jacob, Anuj Mohamed, Creative Destruction through Internet of Things and its Impact on Indian Start-ups, International Seminar on “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’ , organized by Mahatma Gandhi University during 4-6 February 2017
  9. Josna Jose and R. Vijayakumar, Multitarget tracking in Wireless Sensor networks based on Polygon Tracking method – An Analysis on throughput and energy efficiency, National Conference on Research in Emerging Area – Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, 28-30 January 2016. 

2015 – 4

  1. Unnikrishnan G, Vijayakumar R, A Review of automatic Raga Recognition Approaches in Carnatic Music, International Seminar on Science of Music, September 2015,  Journal of New Music Research , ID: NNMR-2014-0051.
  2. Vijayakumar, Enhancement of Parallel K-Means Algorithm, IEEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication systems (ICJJECS)2015.
  3. Bindu V R and K N Ramachandran Nair,  “Volume Cutting of Medical Data Using Deformable Surfaces Modeled with Level Sets” at the Second International Conference on INformation Systems Design and Intelligent Applications – 2015 (INDIA 015) during Jan8-9, 2015 organized by Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Management , University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India.
  4. Anuj Mohamed, K.N. Ramachandran Nair, Connectionist Approach for Emission Probability Estimation in Malayalam Continuous Speech Recognition, at the Second International Conference on INformation Systems Design and Intelligent Applications – 2015(INDIA 015) during Jan8-9, 2015 organized by Faculty of Engineering, Technology and Management, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India. 

2014 – 5

  1. Vijayakumar,R, Kiran V K “Advanced computing for High performance computing applications”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication for High performance computing applications”, June 2014, FISAT , Ernakulam, Kerala.
  2. Kiran V K, Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Ontology-Based Data Integration of NoSQL Datastores, 9th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), December 2014, IEEE Explore, DOI: 1109/ICIINFS.2014.7036545 Page(s): 1 – 6.
  3. Bindu V R and K N Ramachandran Nair, “A Fast Narrow Band Level Set Formulation for Shape Extraction”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2014), 141-146 , February 2014 (ISBN:978-1-4799-2259-14).
  4. Bindu V R and K N Ramachandran Nair, “Boolean Operations on Free Form Shapes in a Level Set Framework” The International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2014) during 20th-21st December 2014, held at VSSUT, Sambalpur, Odisha.
  5. Anuj Mohamed, K.N. Ramachandran Nair, Enhancing HMM Based Malayalam Continuous Speech Recognizer using Artificial Neural Networks, The International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2014) during 20th-21st December 2014, held at VSSUT, Sambalpur, Odisha. 

2012 -11

  1. Muhamed Ilyas, R. Vijayakumar, “Distributed Privacy Framework for Location Privacy in Location Based Services”, Proceedings of International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, 2012.
  2. Juby Mathew, Dr. R Vijayakumar, “Performance of Parallel Algorithms by Ambad’s Law”, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, March 2012.
  3. K K Benazir, R Vijayakumar, Fingerprint matching by extracting GLCM features , International conference and workshop on Recent Trends in Technology, 2012, TCET, pp33-38.
  4. Unnikrishnan G, R Vijayakumar, “Raga Recognition using Self-Organising Feature Maps”, Conference on computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), SOCS, MG University, January, 2012.
  5. Sunil Sunny Chalakkal, Mini TV, R.Vijayakumar “Data Mining Application in Banking: using Clustering Algorithm Design”,
    Conference on computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), SOCS, MG University, January, 2012
  6. Anju Prathap, R Vijayakumar, “Connectionist based CBR for Intelligent Medical Diagnosis”, Conference on computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), SOCS, MG University, January, 2012
  7. K.K, “Non Minutiae based Fingerprint matching”, Conference on Computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), SOCS, MG University, January, 2012
  8. Kiran V.K, R Vijayakumar, “Sequence Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks”, Conference on computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), SOCS, MG University, January, 2012.
  9. Sherin Mathew, R. Vijayakumar, “A Comparative Study on Off-line Handwritten Malayalam Script Recognition Using Neural Network”,
    Conference on computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), SOCS, MG University, January,2012.
  10. K.P, G.Raju. “Compactness – A Useful Feature for Generating Search Index”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE2012), Amrutha University, Kollam, Kerala, January 2012.
  11. K.P, G.Raju “Effects of Distributional Features in Text Document Retrieval”, Conference on computing Paradigms and Bio-informatics (CPBI 2012), School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala,  January 2012.

2011 -10

  1. K K Benazir, R Vijayakumar, “Robust Enhanced Algorithm for Fingerprints”, International Conference on Global Computing (ICGC), March, 2011 ID No: Comp-13.
  2. K K Benazir, R Vijayakumar, “Robust Enhanced Algorithm for Fingerprints”, International Conference on Global Computing (ICGC), March, 2011 ID No: Comp-13.
  3. T.V, Sunil Sunny, Vijayakumar R., “ Measure Web page Similarity with Hyperlink Transitivity to retrieve relevant Web Pages“, National conference on computing and Communication  (NCCC 2011), SOCS, MG University, May 2011.
  4. Anju Prathap, R Vijayakumar “Agent based Multi Expert Synthesis System for the Diagnosis of Communicative and Cognitive Disorders in children”, National conference on computing and Communication (NCCC 2011), SOCS, MG University, May 2011.
  5. Shameem Kappan, R Vijayakumar, “Development of a framework for the protection of multimedia content over wireless networks by biometrics-based scalable encryption”, National conference on computing and Communication (NCCC 2011), SOCS, MG University, May 2011.
  6. Muhamed Ilyas, “Location privacy in location based services”, National conference on computing and Communication (NCCC 2011), SOCS, MG University, May 2011.
  7. Praveen Kumar B T, “Adaptive median filter based on homogeneity level information”, National Conference on computing and Communication (NCCC 2011), SOCS, MG University, May 2011.
  8. Bindu VR, Dr. K.N. Ramachandran Nair, Shape Modeling Using A Variational Level Set Formulation, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (2011 IEEE ICCIC) Dec 15-18, 2011 (ISBN:978-1-61284-694-1).
  9. K.P, G.Raju. “Computing Search Index Using Distributional Features”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing (ICAC 2011), Department of CSE, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Dec 9-11, 2011.
  10. Anuj Mohamed, K.N. Ramachandran Nair, HMM/ANN Hybrid Model for Continuous Malayalam Speech Recognition, International Conference on Communication Technology and System Design, Amrita Coimbatore 2011. 

2010 – 2

  1. Pushpalatha,K.P, Raju,G. Analysis of Algorithms to Compute Term Discrimination Values. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, page(s): 1 – 6 Location:Coimbatore,Print ISBN:978-1-4244-5965-0, 28-29, December 2010.
  2. Anuj Mohamed, K.N. Ramachandran Nair, Continuous Malayalam Speech Recognition using Hidden Markov Models, in Proc. 1st Amrita-ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing, pp. 326-329, September 2010. (ISBN: 978-1-4503-0194-7). 


  1. Bineesh Jose, Pushpalatha, Intelligent Handwritten Character Recognition For Malayalam Scripts Using Deep Learning Approach, Annual International Conference On Emerging Research Areas, Proceedings – ISBN: 978-93-5426-381-1, December 14-16 2020, (In Press).
  2. Mehanas Shahul, Pushpalatha K P, Machine Learning Based Analysis of Sepsis :Review, Proceedings of ic-ETITE’20. Proc. of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering IEEE, February 2020,Chennai.ISBN:978-1-7281-4142-8,pp.1-4,
  3. Sharanya Nagarajan, Anuj Mohamed, A Combined Fuzzy Soft Set – Machine Learning Approach for Effective Party Recommendation, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 601, 432-438, Springer, 2020.     SJR  – 0.14 (2019) ISBN: 978-981-15-1420-3.
  4. Krishna Presannakumar, Anuj  Mohamed, An Enhanced Method for Review Mining Using N-gram Approaches, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2020.  (Accepted)
  5. Nimmol P. John, Bindu V R, “Energy Efficient Hybrid Firefly-Crow Optimization Algorithm for VM Consolidation”, Intelligent Computing and Communication, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC)  series, pp. 413-427. Vol. 1034, Springer, 2020, SJR  – 0.17 DOI:
  6. Tom L., Bindu V.R., Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing: A Survey, Inventive Computation Technologies, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 98. pp 342-350, Springer, 2020.             DOI:
  7. Jyothish V. R, Bindu V. R, Greeshma M. S, An Integrated Approach for Building Footprint Extraction from Satellite Imagery, Springer LNCS, 2020. BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper “An Integrated Approach for Building Footprint Extraction from Satellite Imagery”, authored by Jyothish V. R., Greeshma M S and Bindu V R, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing &Communication (ICICC 2020), September 2020, Department of    CS &E, CS & T, SoE, DSU, Bengaluru, India.
  8. Linz Tom, Bindu V. R., Dynamic Time Slice Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing, Springer LNNS, 2020.
  9. Pushpalatha K P, “Concept Hierarchy Generation in Data Mining”, Short Learning Objects for E-learning and MOOCs, Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-80419-42-8, May 2019.
  10. Anuj Mohamd, “Artificial Intelligence”,  Short Learning Objects for E-learning and MOOCs, Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-80419-42-8, May 2019.
  11. Krishna Presannakumar,  Anuj  Mohamed, N-gram Lexicon for Review Mining, IT Glimpse, Annual Technical Publication, School Of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, , pp. 47-51, Dec 2019.
  12. Bindu V R, “Cryptography”,  Short Learning Objects for E-learning and MOOCs Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-80419-42-8, May 2019.
  13. Bindu V. R, Greeshma M. S, Security of Contactless Smartcards, IT Glimpse, Annual technical publication, School Of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, , pp. 42-46, Dec 2019.
  14. Shahana K.U., Anuj Mohamed, “Recent Advancements in Image Encryption Techniques: A Review”, IT Glimpse, December 2018.
  15. Bindu V. R., Smitha Anu Thomas, “Role of Software Process Improvement Models in Enhancing the Quality of Software”, ITGlimpse, December 2018.
  16. Smitha Anu Thomas and Bindu V. R., “Software Process Improvement Efforts as a Way to Improve the Quality of Software”, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technology 2017, ISBN 9789 3528 86869.
  17. Bindu V R, (2017) “Modeling Deformable Surfaces : A Promising Technique for Shape Modeling and Visualization in Medical Imaging in India”, “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’,  Pages: 205-209,  Mahatma Gandhi University , ISBN 978-93-80419-35-0
  18. Preetha S, Bindu V R, (2017) “Impact of Innovative Expert Systems in a Nation’s Growth – A Global Perspective”, “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’ Pages: 210-214, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN 978-93-80419-35-0
  19.  Anuj Mohamed, (2017) “Automatic Speech Recognition: Need for Advanced Research”,  “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’,  Pages: 228-231,  Mahatma Gandhi University , ISBN 978-93-80419-35-0
  20. Sneha Jacob and Anuj Mohamed, (2017) “Creative Destruction through Internet of Things (IOT)  and its Impact on Indian Startups”, “Globalisation and India’s Innovation Systems: A ‘Creative Destruction?’,  Pages: 231-236,  Mahatma Gandhi University , ISBN 978-93-80419-35-0
  21. V. R. Bindu and K.N. Ramachandran Nair, (2015), Boolean Operations on Free Form Shapes in a Level Set Framework, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies,L.C. Jain et al. (eds.): Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Pages: 453-467, Springer.ISBN: 978-81-322-2201-9, ISSN 2190-3018.
  22. R. Bindu and K. N. Ramachandran Nair, (2015),Volume Cutting of Medical Data Using Deformable Surfaces Modeled with Level Sets, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Mandal et al(eds): Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, Pages: 719-726, Springer, ISBN:978-81-322-2249-1, ISSN 2194-5357.
  23. Bindu V. R., (2015), Granular Computing, IT Glimpse,  Annual Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
  24. Vijayakumar R., National Grid Computing Initiative of India IT Glimpse (2015), Annual Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
  25. Pushpalatha K. P., (2015), Apt Data Mining Techniques for Accurate Decision    Making Process, IT Glimpse,  Annual Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciencces, Mahatma Gandhi University,
  26. Anuj Mohamed and K.N. Ramachandran Nair, (2015), Connectionist Approach for Emission Probability Estimation in Malayalam Continuous Speech Recognition, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (Mandal et al., eds.), Pages: 343-350, Springer,ISBN:978-81-322-2250-7,  ISSN 2194-5357.
  27. Anuj Mohamed and K.N. Ramachandran Nair, (2015), Enhancing HMM Based Malayalam  Continuous Speech Recognizer using Artificial Neural Networks, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies: Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (L.C. Jain et al., eds.), Pages: 259-267, Springer, ISBN: 978-81-322-2208-8,  ISSN 2190-3018.
  28. Vijayakumar R, (2015), Advances in Intelligent systems and Computing :     Parallel Neural Fuzzy Based Joint Classifier Model for Grading ,13 -26, .ISSN 2194-5357, Springer.
  29. Vijayakumar R., (2014), Human Like Performance in Machines, IT Glimpse, Annual Technical Publication, School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
  30. Bindu V. R., (2014), Intelligent Human Computer Interaction , IT Glimpse, Annual technical publication, School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
  31. Vijayakumar R., Big Data Management, IT Glimpse (2013), Annual Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
  32. Muhammed Illyas , R.Vijayakumar, (2012), A Generic Framework for Location Privacy in Location Based Services , Advances in Computer Science, Engineering and Applications,  (David C Wyld, Jan Zizka, Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Eds.), Springer.
  33. Vijayakumar R., Points to Ponder in Supercomputing Applications, IT Glimpse (2012),  Annual Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
  34. Vijayakumar R., Data Mining and Data Warehousing in Learning Organizations to Develop Business Intelligence, IT Glimpse (2011),  Annual Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,
  35. Pushpalatha K. P., (2011), DNA Sequence Compression, IT Glimpse,  Annual   Technical Publication,  School of Computer Sciences,  Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
  36.  Bindu V. R., (2010), Level Set Methods, IT Glimpse, Annual technical publication, School Of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
  37.  Anuj Mohamed, (2010), Hidden Markov Models in Automatic Speech Recognition, IT Glimpse, Annual Technical Publication, School Of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.


  1. Bindu V R, Sajimon Abraham, Sajna Jaleel, “Short Learning Objects for E-learning and MOOCs”,  Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-80419-42-8, May 2019.
  2. Vijayakumar, R., (Edr.), (2012), Computing and Communication, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, India, ISBN:978-81-8487-  178-4.


  1.  Vijayakumar, R., & Juby Mathew, (2016), Algorithm Design Foundation, Analysis and Examples, Vimala Publications, Kottayam : ISBN: 978-93-5267-154-0.
  2. Vijayakumar, R., & Juby Mathew, (2012),  Data Structures and Algorithms, Professional and Technical Publishers, Coimbatore, ISBN: 978-81-910224-6-9.


  1. Developed a Video Tutorial on the topic MOODLE- “Course Administration Part 1 and Part2” for the one week online Faculty Training Programme  conducted for all teachers of schools/centres. 
  2. Contributed a  module  on “Various Approaches and Contents of e-learning”  to the MOOC Course “Instructional Design” under the SWAYAM Platform by Dr. Sajna Jaleel.
  3. Contributed a module on “Computer Mediated Communication” to the MOOC Course “Instructional Design” by Dr. Sajna Jaleel currently running on the SWAYAM Platform.
  4. Prepared video tutorials on MOODLE for the  one week online Faculty Training Programme  on Vidyamrutam  conducted for all teachers of schools/centres of the University, June 2020.