Friday, February 14, 2025
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The School provides adequate computing/reference facilities for the faculty members. The School library has recently subscribed to ‘All Society Periodicals Package’ with 169 highly research oriented e-journals published by IEEE. This provides the users with unlimited numbers of download and multiple logins over the campus based on IP. This enables researchers of other Schools to access these e-journals from their own Schools.

 Specialized services provided by the library with regard to


The library holds  a  good collection of research oriented  reference books which are opened to the research scholars in the School as well as the research scholars from outside.

A general access to IEEE e-Journal resource is given to all researchers in the campus and those in affiliated colleges for reference.

Information Deployment and Notification

library notifies ‘New arrival of books’ in the department library and ‘New additions list’ in the central library.


 All the books have been catalogued digitally using an open source software called KOHA. Library had its own OPAC powered by KOHA at the beginning of the automation and later on the database was integrated with that of Central Library as part of an initiative towards Union Catalogue. The users can access the information using the  Web-based Online Public Access Catalogue through KOHA.

Internet Access

Internet facility is provided to the users with a speed of 1GBps for accessing e-contents. Users are allowed to download as many papers as needed from e-journals and other databases the library has access to.


The users are allowed to access the e-journal contents and other databases and they can download as many papers as per their requirements.


One printer is installed in the library which is used by all users and the librarian to take hard copies of IEEE e-journals and other webresources.

In-house/remote access to e-resources

Library has subscribed to ‘All Society Periodicals Package’ with 169 highly research oriented e-journals published by IEEE. This provides the users with unlimited numbers of in-house access by the students and researchers of the School and remote accessby those from other Schools using multiple logins over the campus based on IP.The library has access to E- ShodhSindhu, a Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources provides e-resources to Universities, Colleges and Centrally Funded Technical Institutions in India, being executed by INFLIBNET Centre. Through this consortium, 27 full text databases are made available to be remotely accessed by the students and research scholars.

User Orientation

Users are given orientation with regard to the fair usage of the resources of the library.

Assistance in searching Databases

Librarian gives assistance to the users for searching the databases and retrieving the information from the web. The information regarding  the various databases accessible to the library and their URLs are displayed in the library inorder to assist the users.

INFLIBNET/IUC facilities

The INFLIBNET centre provides access to E-ShodhSindhu, a Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources through University Central Library. Through this consortium, 27 full-text databases are made available to be remotely accessed by the students and research scholars of the School.

Computational Environment

The School has an efficient policy for the creation and enhancement of infrastructure in order to promote a good teaching-learning environment. A few recent initiatives for effective teaching/learning include

Smart classroom for conducting lectures

  • Well equipped laboratories with broad band internet connectivity through Campus Wide Network and a private cloud.
  • Wi-fi enabled classrooms, labs, seminar and conference halls
  • Video conferencing facilities for real time interaction with experts/ scientists from national/international organizations
  • School level digital repository of workshops, seminars, PhD open defences and other e-learning contents for use as a research resource
  • Fully automated library which enables online access to various e-resources available at the department/university. Library has recently subscribed to ‘All Society Periodicals Package’ with 169 highly research oriented e-journals published by IEEE. This provides the users with unlimited numbers of download and multiple logins over the campus based on IP. This enables researchers of other Schools to access these e-journals from their own Schools.

The School creates a conducive physical ambience for the faculty in terms of adequate research laboratories, computing facilities and allied services. There are adequate computing/reference facilities for the faculty members. There is also Broadband connectivity / wi-fi facility in hostels.

IT policy

 The School forms its Institutional plans and strategies for deploying and upgrading the IT infrastructure and associated facilities through discussions with faculty, staff and students to meet the changing academic requirements. The School has a comprehensive IT policy with regard to:

 IT Service Management: The IT services offered by the School has been maintained through a comprehensive plan which include comprehensive onsite warranty, Annual Maintenance Contract, on call repair

  • Information Security: The School network is part of the Campus Area Network (CAN) of the University which includes a tightly secured gateway. Also, internal network security is ensured through firewalls, antivirus software etc.
  • Network Security: Network Security is also ensured as stated above.
  • Risk Management: Risks in information security are handled through firewalls and antivirus. Physical hazards involving fire, electricity etc have been handled through usage of quality materials, proper installation and routine maintenance.
  • Software Asset Management: The software asset of the School is managed through proper licensing, frequent updation and replication of media to prevent physical damage.
  • Open Source Resources: A cloud computing environment running only open source software is in our plans for the future. We are also planning to switch the entire computing environment of the School to open source platform in future.
  • Green Computing: The School has a green computing policy which maximizes energy efficiency, minimises environmental impact. Steps to reduce e-waste generation and accumulation, promote recycling/reuse etc are also part of the policy
  • On-line teaching and learning resources
  • Smart Classroom
  • Virtual Class Room
  • Cloud Computing